Coach Green - Army Wrestling Update

West Point, NY | September 21, 2021
Army Wrestling Nation-
This past week was a great week to be a Black Knight!
The team is bringing a great deal of energy to the preseason workouts and it is good to have everyone together. We are confident that many of them are putting deposits in the “training bank” in anticipation of making withdrawals later.
We have welcomed many families to campus and will be looking for the next great young man who wants to join America’s Team.
We also had Justin Hoch on campus to photograph the cadets for his Fire Inside project. Here is a link to his work. We look forward to seeing our team featured soon- The Fire Inside – JHoch Photography
A couple of things to be aware of
• Be sure to check out Freshman Friday and many other great series we are featuring on the Army West Point Wrestling Instagram and Facebook pages
• It is time to enter your foursome into the Golf Event coming up in a few weeks. We also need hole sponsors. Here is the link 2021 Golf Scramble - West Point Wrestling Club [ED - only 4 golfer spots remain, but sponsorships are available]
• Gear Store is open. Check it out West Point (
• I have been busy on the media circuit. If you like long-form podcasts, you can check me out at the following links. I won’t be offended if you don’t listen to the whole thing!
MorWrestling: #47 Scott Green -Associate Head Coach @ Army West Point on Apple Podcasts
Barbarian Hour #39- Scott Green - YouTube
Lastly, it was really great to hear from so many of you guys after my last communication. I am settling in and learning more and more about West Point every day. It is a great place to learn about. We are headed in the right direction, and engaged supporters are such a big part of that, so for that I say thank you.
Let’s stay in touch......
Scott Green