Coach Green - Army Wrestling Update

West Point, NY | June 22, 2022
Good Morning Black Knight Nation:
I'm sure you have seen this, but if not I wanted to officially welcome Taylor Venz to our staff.
Venz Joins Ward’s Wrestling Staff - Army West Point (

We are thrilled with this addition, as he comes highly recommended by two people I thoroughly respect- Dr Brian Snyder, the Associate HC at Nebraska, and Olympic silver medalist Brandon Paulson, his club coach. Taylor will inject some energy into the room especially amongst our upper weights and his credentials and experience will help him model what it takes to get to the next level. Taylor will be on post soon, and we couldn't be happier.
We have been keeping busy this week. June 15th was the first day to reach out to rising 2024 prospects, so I have been on the horn with a lot of great young men, educating them about West Point. We are also set to welcome over 100 youngsters to Arvin for Ranger Camp, which starts Sunday.
I did want to hep you start planning your late 2022 calendar by filling in some dates for you. The first of those dates is the annual golf outing.
2022 Golf Scramble - West Point Wrestling Club

Registration is open for this great event. It was instrumental in funding many of our ventures last year. If you click the link, you can see that we have added a Hudson River Cruise on Friday night. We hope you can enter a foursome. Coach Ward does warn that his team will prevail this year. I'm not sure if that means everyone else is playing for second, but then again I'm not a golfer. There are also sponsorship opportunities listed on the page. Let's make this one the best one yet.
Another must see will be our dual at Penn on Dec 9th. Our guys are excited to take on an upstart Quaker team as the prelude to the Army Navy Football game on Saturday at Lincoln Financial Field. We will pass along details and ticket links as soon as they are available, but get ready to spend an Army Athletics weekend in the City of Brotherly Love.
I'm excited to have moved into a house in Highland Falls this summer and, after a year of splitting time in Kingston, PA- be full time in the area. My daughter will start her senior year of college in Boston and my son will be a freshman at Indiana University, so any hints from experienced empty nesters out there are welcome.
We can't wait to have the guys back on post and we can't wait to see you guys soon.