Golf Scramble - 1 Month

The countdown for the 11th Annual West Point® Wrestling Club Golf Weekend has reached the final month. Please join us on the course October 2nd, or show your support as a sponsor.

Available spots are filling as only 10 foursomes remain available.  Register soon before we fill the course!

We're looking forward to an exciting weekend with Army Wrestlers proudly representing from the Class of 1966 through the Class of 2021.

- Friday night social at the Thayer Hotel Zulu Rooftop Lounge

- 18 Holes at the premier course in the Hudson Valley

- Great auction items already on the books with more coming in: golf foursomes to Trump National, one-of-a-kind decanter set, Army Wrestling firepit, hand-crafted leather wallets, portfolio cover and satchel – all with the Army Wrestling logo, overnight stay at the Thayer Hotel, and more!

- Meet our coaches and wrestlers

Registration and sponsorship information:

Hope you can join us!

If you've already registered or sponsored - Thank sign-up a friend!