1 min read

NCAA Tix Requests Due by 10/28

NCAA Tix Requests Due by 10/28

It is time to think about the NCAA tourney.  We had a great crowd last year and are really looking forward to being in Philly this spring. We have a great social venue already secured and we are going to build on last year's success.

We got our preliminary ticket allotment, and it is fairly limited again this year.  Prices will be $500 for lower level all sessions and $400 for upper level.

We anticipate having more requests than tickets available, so please get your preferences to us via the linked survey by 10/28.  You will be notified if you can purchase tickets through us by 12/15

Ticket Request Link 

Priority will be given to fans who have become WPWC donors and/or fans who participate in WP AOG initiatives, including West Point Giving Day.

Here is the link to WPWC Tiered Donation Program

Donate - West Point Wrestling Club

Here is the link to AOG site


Giving Day is 12/3 this year.

Thanks and please complete the surveys by 10/28