Officer Representative Perspective

Greetings Army West Point Wrestling Fans! As we approach the heart of another wrestling season and continue Chasing Greatness, I would like to share my perspective with you as a long-time superfan and Officer Representative who spends a lot of time around our wrestling program. On and off the mat, the Coaches, Staff, and ORs cannot express enough how proud we are of our Cadet-Athletes. They represent the very best our Nation has to offer through their commitment to excellence, and they do it all alongside the privilege of representing us “in the arena” in a sport we all love. As you well know, the skill, fitness, experience, and the many intangibles demanded in the sport of wrestling mirror the leader attributes required of Army Officers – confidence, resilience, mental toughness, discipline, and a Warrior Ethos that define the American Soldier. Whether at practice and competition or around USMA across the many requirements we have for Cadets, a gritty attitude and maximal effort are very apparent in each Cadet on our roster. Now in my 30th year of service, I will always take an Army organization full of wrestlers confidently into the fight! Proud but never satisfied, every one of us (you included) wants more… more wins, more conference championships, and more All-Americans. Our standards, expectations, and goals are high, and we will continue to hold each of our athletes and ourselves accountable for the preparation, attitude, and effort that leads to the very best performance.

Taking a step away from the spotlight on the wrestling mat for a few words:  Recently, the Class of 2024 received their branch assignments. Once again, your Army Wrestlers showed their commitment to BHAW by pursuing their passion and their readiness to lead. For many of the last twenty years of graduating classes and dozens of commissioned Army Officers (and a few in other services I will not mention for now), I have been fortunate to get to know your wrestlers and see that their leadership continues across the Army and in our most elite units. They have challenged themselves to lead formations in the most difficult conditions, and they have led well. I attribute at least some of their successes to a lifetime of wrestling that includes the unconditional support of parents and coaches, the experiences during the repetitive grind of a match/tournament/season, and the values learned and practiced here at USMA. We are also fortunate to have several former wrestlers on the Staff and Faculty at West Point where they can mentor the next generation. If you are anything like me, you eagerly anticipate the next opportunity to see our wrestlers chase and achieve greatness… on and off the mat.

Thank you for your continued support! GO ARMY! BEAT EVERYONE!

Colonel Nick Gist Master of the Sword USMA ‘94