Go Green's Notes from Post

The last two newsletters of the competitive season have always been the toughest ones for me to write. Invariably, you are writing about the end of the season and almost everyone you are writing about didn’t reach their ultimate goal. You are writing about the end of their season. After 31 years, times like this never get easier.
But these entries are also incredibly fun to write, because there is always someone that overachieved, and always someone who performed in a way that gives you hope for the future. Wrestling is paradoxical because the ending is so raw and ultimate. Except for a few guys, you lose a match and your season is over. But if you look a little closer you can see a beginning in most of those endings.
The great 20th century American philosopher and artist Theodore Geisel gave us the answer key for times like this when he said “Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.” We expect a lot of tears this week, but we also want to see a lot of grins as well.
America’s Team put 8 guys on the podium at the EIWAs, and three guys are going to the NCAA tourney. Eight place-winners was tied for the most in the conference. All 8 return next year. The progress this team made this year is immeasurable on the mat and as a program. The future is bright.
Last year after the EIWA I challenged the team to be sure that the B in BHAW was something that they lived, not something that they say. If you were in Philly, you know they accepted that challenge, showing up in droves to cheer on the team. That might seem like a small thing, but it ain’t small. It made a difference. And I think it is the new expectation moving forward. Our program gets better with support of all kinds. We have to lean into our strengths, and one of them is how connected you are to your teammates as a cadet at West Point. We hope you all remember that from your days and help us strengthen a winning culture.
Big things are happening at West Point.
We hope you are headed to Tulsa to watch Ethan, Benny and Nate chase their dreams. We couldn’t be more proud of this team and are excited to see them get it done in Oklahoma.
Here’s the link to our results
NCAA Tourney Info
We can’t wait to see you at Nationals.
Please join the fanbase between Session 3 and 4 at
The Mayo
115 W 15th Street
Tulsa, OK
Oh yeah, back to that Geisel guy. He also said:
Oh the place you’ll go
There is fun to be done
There are points to be scored
There are games to be won
On to Tulsa!